Our films are available on various digital platforms. Pick a platform below.
The price is the same on all platforms: $14.99 to purchase, $5.99 to rent.
- Amazon Prime Video - Purchase or rent HERE and then watch it on your TV via Roku, FireTV, AppleTV, iOS, or Chromecast.
- ChristianCinema.com - Click HERE. Watch on their app on your Roku, FireTV, AppleTV, or other devices on the Christian Cinema app.
- Vimeo on Demand - Purchase or rent HERE and then watch it on your TV via Roku, FireTV, AppleTV, iOS, or Chromecast on the Vimeo App. After you make your purchase it will show up in the "Watch Later" section of the Vimeo App. Or you can Chromecast from a Chrome browser to a Chromecast device/Android TV.
Use the player below to purchase or rent the movie and then watch it on your devices or anywhere on the ChristianCinema.com app.